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What to do if you suspect having contracted the coronavirus

Do you have a respiratory infection and need consultation from a nurse or a doctor? We have a centralised helpline staffed by doctors and nurses for all your coronavirus-related questions 0192260505. The phone line is open mon-fri between 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Transmission and protection

The novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) primarily spreads by droplets when an infected person coughs or sneezes. When in close proximity to others, coronavirus can also be transmitted via contact if, for example, an infected person coughs in his hands and then touches another person.

Everyone can slow down the spread of coronavirus with their own actions. We recommend that you:

  • Get coronavirus vaccinations. They protect from a severe form of disease.
  • If you fall ill, stay home until you are healthy.
  • Remember hygiene: hands, face mask, safe distance and ventilation.

Get coronavirus vaccinations. They protect from a severe form of disease

Vaccines provide effective protection against the most serious forms of COVID-19. 

Maintain good hand hygiene and follow the coughing etiquette and distances even after you have been vaccinated. Use a face mask as recommended. 

If you fall ill, stay home until you are healthy

We strongly recommend that you voluntarily avoid contacts with people other than those living in the same household for at least five days. You can do a home test if you want to.

When should I get tested for coronavirus at health care services? 

A coronavirus test taken at health care services should be your first step if you have symptoms of a coronavirus infection and

Remember good hygiene: wash your hands, wear a mask and keep a safe distance

Even people without symptoms can spread the virus to others. Washing your hands, wearing a mask, keeping a safe distance from others and taking care of good ventilation are effective ways to prevent infections.

Wash your hands and cough in your sleeve

Wash your hands frequently with water and soap. Make sure that you wash your hands for at least 20 seconds each time. 

It is especially important to wash your hands:

  • when you come in from outside
  • before cooking and eating
  • after using the toilet
  • after coughing, sneezing or blowing your nose
  • after touching surfaces that have been touched by a person with flu symptoms.

Also remember the dry your hands properly. Change hand towels frequently at home. When outside your home, dry your hands thoroughly on a clean, dry, disposable paper towel or a roller towel. 

If you cannot wash your hands, use an alcohol-based or other hand sanitiser approved by the chemical authority.

Do not touch your eyes, nose or mouth unless you have just washed your hands.

Cough and sneeze into a disposable tissue and put the tissue in the bin immediately after use. If you do not have a tissue, cough or sneeze into your sleeve, not into your hands.

Use face masks at your own discretion

A face mask will prevent droplets from spreading into the environment. When you use a face mask, you protect others from infection. 

We recommend that you continue to use masks in indoor public spaces and on public transport if 

  • you seek treatment or a test because of suspected infection with coronavirus
  • you have symptoms of a respiratory infection, but you need to move outside your home
  • you know that you have been exposed to the coronavirus, for example, if someone in your family has been diagnosed with an infection but you are not able to avoid close contacts outside your home.
  • you are visiting health care services.

A mask also protects the person wearing it to some degree.  Even though vaccinations give excellent protection against a serious case of the disease, you can still get infected.

Especially those who are 12 years of age and over and unvaccinated, as well as all those who are at risk of contracting severe coronavirus disease, should consider using a type of mask that protects the user effectively. Those who are in at-risk groups should consider using a mask even if they are fully vaccinated.

Keep distance from others

We recommend that you:

  • Keep distance from others in public indoors areas where there are many people in close proximity to each other. Examples of indoor public places include shopping malls and public transport vehicles.
  • In public events, follow the instructions of the organisers.
  • Do not shake hands.
  • Take into account any remote work recommendations.

Take care of good ventilation

Efficient ventilation and airing of indoor spaces also have an impact on the risk of infection.

Where can I find information about Coronavirus?

Finnish institute for health and welfare

Yle News