We are responsible for the provision of health and social services and the coordination of rescue services and specialised medical care in Hyvinkää, Järvenpää, Mäntsälä, Nurmijärvi, Pornainen and Tuusula.

The wellbeing services county of Central Uusimaa is responsible for the provision of health and social services and the coordination of rescue services and specialised medical care in Hyvinkää, Järvenpää, Mäntsälä, Nurmijärvi, Pornainen and Tuusula.
Wellbeing services counties are regionally autonomous public-law entities that operate independently of local authorities and the central government. Their statutory duties include the provision of social welfare and health care services as well as the coordination of rescue services. The wellbeing services county of Central Uusimaa covers an area with a population of approximately 200,000 people and employs around 4,000 professionals.
Wellbeing services counties get most of their funding from the central government but also have independent income from fees and charges. The highest decision-making body is a county council, whose members are elected through county elections.
Responsibilities of the wellbeing services county of Central Uusimaa
The wellbeing services county of Central Uusimaa (Keusote) provides the following services:
- primary health care
- social welfare
- services for children, adolescents and families
- services for working-age people
- services for elderly people
- mental health and substance abuse services
- services for people with disabilities
- school and student welfare
- promotion of wellbeing and health
Keusote is also responsible for the coordination of rescue services and specialised medical care in Central Uusimaa.
- The Central Uusimaa Rescue Department operates across two wellbeing services counties: the wellbeing services county of Central Uusimaa and the wellbeing services county of Vantaa and Kerava.
- Specialised medical care is provided by HUS Group. The wellbeing services county of Central Uusimaa is a co-owner of HUS Group along with the other wellbeing services counties of Uusimaa and the City of Helsinki.
Mari Patronen
Service Director
Services for elderly people, Services for people with disabilities
Sirkku Pekkarinen-Keto
Service Director
Mental health, substance abuse and social services for adults, Services for children, adolescents and families
Susanna Pitkänen
Service Director
Health services and medical care
Monica Hostio
Human Resources Director
Human resources services
Kristiina Kariniemi-Örmälä
Integration Director
Wellbeing, health and customer relationships
Pirjo Laitinen-Parkkonen
Chief Medical Officer, Director of Research and Development
Päivi Tarsia
Finance Director
Administrative and financial services
Antti Ylä-Jarkko
Digital and Information Director
Information management services
Anu-Kaarina Suonpää
Communications Manager